Design to me is an interesting concept as it is the mother of all creativity. Without design the world would be a pretty dull and conformist place, which I for one would not want to live in. Design also holds the prize for most entertaining upon observation due to questionable trends being bombarded at us through the beauty and fashion industry. It is honestly quite amusing to see how far people will go to stay in trend - despite how ridiculous and cringe worthy it may appear to non-followers of these trends.
What is the future of design?
There is no specific future to design as trends are constantly adapting and being rediscovered. Design will forever be a beautiful creation full of experimentation and expression. But a concept that seems to cling onto the hearts of designers and society no matter how popular other trends shine is the classic element of minimalism and simplicity.
Photo by Renata Fraga on Unsplash
Minimalism is a trend that will never die within the design world. Be it through beauty, fashion, interior design, graphic design etc...the element to it will always be in style and maintain a sense of respect amongst designers due to its aesthetically pleasing format and effortless feel.
Within the beauty and fashion world, the simplicity of minimalism allows designers and the individual to be themselves without having to rely on current crazes or busy formats to be unique. Minimalism encourages your true self to shine through and allow others to appreciate the work a heck of a lot more than an over the top and distracting design that drifts away from the creator's intent.
Design within today's society is bombarded with materialism - putting the idea into people's heads that showering ourselves in items will increase our wellbeing and social status. Yet minimalism embraces the idea that a person doesn't need flashy materials or the latest technology to produce an excellent idea, just a well thought out concept that is simple, but effective that can be pulled off with ease.
Photo by Shanna Camilleri on Unsplash
How do you enforce this into your everyday life?
Minimalism encourages the idea of 'less is more', which is an excellent way to create a healthier lifestyle and can transform a persons wellbeing.
Now you don't need to apply minimalism to every part of your life but using it in just one aspect can help to wash away stress and add more control to your life.
A good place to start is skincare. I have recently decided to stop using all of my skin care products that I would use regularly, because I was under the impression that I had to have a specific lengthy routine in order to have perfect skin (which was still far from perfect when using everything). Yet after cutting down to just a couple necessary products, my skin has been a lot calmer and overall in a much better condition than it was with numerous unnecessary products that added more layers onto my skin.
Overall, no matter how intense and materialistic beauty trends and expectations get, minimalism will still be praised and create inspiration amongst designers and avid bloggers throughout the design world. There is just something about the minimalistic style that screams effortless class and style, which I personally would like to continue to see within the future of design.
I hope you enjoyed this post, I know it's different but I had fun with it! Be sure to let me know what your views are about minimalism and how you feel about the future of design!
Lucy x
This blog post is a part of Design Blogger Competition organized by CGTrader